An insurance agent provides a service for both you the consumer and for the insurance companies. They serve as intermediaries between the insurance companies and the customers. For the insurance companies, they work to find new customers to sell the business’s services to. They can also help you to understand what kinds of insurance you need and assist with purchasing said insurance. Insurance agents also strive to build lasting relationships with their customers in order to provide the best level of service.

There is a lot of variety when it comes to what insurance agents do. Some are more specialized than others. Insurance agents can provide lot of different types of services, including:

Selling insurance policies

~ Analyzing a customer’s insurance needs
~ Assisting clients with filing insurance claims
~ Providing planning services for estate planning, financial planning, retirement planning, savings planning and being prepared for major problems such as death and disability
~ Selling other forms of insurance including securities, mutual funds and annuities
~ Providing research materials for insurance shoppers
~ Helping with bundling different insurance services together in order save the customer money
​~ Assist in locating insurance for home, businesses, car, RV, trailer, motorcycle, health insurance and dental insurance, casualty, disability, liability and property protection
~ Letting the customer know which insurance plans they are qualified for and which they are not qualified to handle

The most important role of an insurance agent is to provide guidance through the process. Insurance coverage and plans can be tricky to understand, especially when you get into the world of health and business insurance. Knowing exactly how much coverage you or your business needs in order to be completely safe can be hard. Finding the right plan for the right price can also be difficult. An insurance agent has years of experience in these fields and can help make the process go faster and easier.

Insurance agents are typically paid by the insurance companies they either represent or sell a policy for. This means that you do not have to pay for their services, except what you pay for in your insurance plan. They can essentially offer you free advice, because you will have to pay the asking rate of the insurance company anyway. This is another reason why an insurance agent can be beneficial to you.

Types of Insurance   

Here are just some of the different types of insurance that can be sold by insurance agents:
~ Car insurance
~ Home insurance
~ Business insurance
~ Health insurance
~ Accident/illness/disability insurance
~ Trauma or Crisis insurance
~ Life insurance Burial insurance
~ Public Liability insurance
​~ Professional Indemnity insurance

If you have any questions or would like me to review your current policies to see if they are up to date, please do not hesitate to call or email me directly.